As requested by customers the app Pick-Up Sign is now available with new features in the App Store.
- Pickup sign can now be saved for future use
If you pick up customers/guests from the airport/railway station etc. for several companies, you can store a sign with the logo of the each company and retrieve(-Button) that template with prepared sign. Only the name of the guest needs to be adjusted.
- sharing of signs by e-mail
If you like to send a pickup with a logo to a colleague, you can do this by e-mail or using the sharing function (double-click -> menu in the upper right). The recipient then only has to click the link and the sign appears. A prerequisite is that he also installed the app „Pick-Up Sign“ (Version 2.0 or later) on an iPhone / iPad. There is the possibility to send the pictures separately, or also to send in „integrated“ into the link.- In the case of sending the images separately, the images must be saved in the photo album and can then be loaded into the sign as a customer logo.
- When selecting the integrated-option, the image is reduced to a space saving version (low resolution, medium Resolution, high resolution = original resolution) and then sent as a link. It is recommended to play some with this option because the smaller resolutions of the logos are not always readable.
- Select your favorite layout under „Sign skins“. The design „2016“ has been added in version 2.0 and corresponds to the cleaned up design of the current iOS version.
- Select the „rainbow“-design to change background color and text color as well as the font.
- Changing the size and position of the images and text in the shield is further supported.
Have fun with the new version!
Unfortunately, after the upgrade, the last sign that was shown before the upgrade has to be redesigned.
The InApp purchase for hiding the advertising or adding your own company logo should be adopted.