How to backup data from GradeMonitor?
It makes sense to backup. Especially after long time of entering data or when changing the device. This is also a precaution before updates. Sending… Weiterlesen »How to backup data from GradeMonitor?
Surviving at school for students and parents.
It makes sense to backup. Especially after long time of entering data or when changing the device. This is also a precaution before updates. Sending… Weiterlesen »How to backup data from GradeMonitor?
GradeMonitor is released with a new version 5.0. This is an updated version to accomodate new features of iOS 11 and iPhone X. The data… Weiterlesen »GradeMonitor 5.0 is ready for update
Especially iPhone5 Users under iOS9 will be able to use the full screen again.